Friday 10 February 2012

Management software by ommune

iTrackiConvert - Lead Management Software is your ticket to marketing automation like you’ve never seen before. It provides all the rich functionality you need to automate and measure demand generation campaigns that generate more high-quality sales leads. And it gives you the freedom to execute campaigns with less manual lead management effort, so you can focus on the strategic and creative elements that improve marketing return on investment (ROI). But unlike any other solution, iTrackIConvert Lead Management has an insanely easy to use interface and an on-demand model that helps customers get up and running quickly.
iTrack iConvert tracks and manages leads to their successful closure. Costly solutions are burden on your RoI. Pay per month or Pay per person is burdensome. iTrack iConvert is "Economical, Scalable and Robust". NO recurring costs. You pay once and for all. Use it for 2 people or 100 people. Security of data is our highest priority. With iTrack iConvert you can take regular backup with just one click. So even in case of some unforeseen situation your data is safe and you can sleep peacefully. iTrack iConvert provide intuitive user interface so that sales team starts giving you RoI from the day1. Automation follow ups means no more worries about missed clients.

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